Top tips for your wedding table seating plan
by Liz GathererI remember when my husband and I sat down together to start working out our table plan ahead of our wedding I had thought that it would be a doddle and the arguments and stress that are portrayed in movies and on TV shows were just an exaggeration of this surely simple task. I was surprised however to find that organising our seating plan was a lot more difficult than I anticipated. I’ve put a few tips together in order to help you plan your seating plan with the minimal of stress.
- People loose the chance to mingle if you seat them in their family groups, yet if they don't know each other at all, they might feel a bit awkward. Find a balance, taking into account guests’ ages and interests.
- Never have a table dedicated to 'singles'! As fun as match making might seem, it can cause awkwardness.
- Same sex tables can get a little rowdy so try to keep an even number of men and women on each table.
- Use clear place cards so that guests are able to find their seats with ease, consider naming your tables after things you love, Wedition couples' in the past have names their tables after their favourite gin, travel destinations and we had one couple name their tables after Jo Malone scents!
Find a balance
If you put family groups together then people will loose the chance to mingle, however, if you have a table full of people who don't know each other at all, then they might feel a bit awkward. Find a balance, a great way to do this is to take into consideration the guests’ ages and interests.

Avoid match making!
As tempting as it might be, avoid dedicating a table to the ‘singles'. As fun as match making can seem, it can cause awkwardness amongst your single guests as they will know exactly what you are up to!
Avoid rowdy tables
Same sex tables can get a little rowdy so try to keep an even number of men and women on each table. Equally, if you have friends who you know can get a rowdy together then consider mixing them up and dotting them around the table rather than having them all on one noisy table.
Wedition Hot Tip: if you do want to create a lively atmosphere, you could incorporate a wedding speech bingo game inside your personalised wedding magazine! In fact, there’s a whole range of fun games we can include, take a look at our article wedding guest fun and games.

Clear labels for your tables
Having a clear table plan that guests can see before they enter the room where the wedding breakfast is being held ensures they will know which table to head for. Once there, use clear place cards so that guests are able to find their seats with ease. Consider naming your tables after things you love, Wedition couples' in the past have named their tables after their favourite gin, travel destinations and we had one couple name their tables after Jo Malone scents! You can then include the story behind your table names in side your personalised wedding magazine as part of an article “It’s all in the details”
Real Wedition Weddings: do take a look at our article wedding ideas for table names to see how some of our couples have come up with fun ways to name their tables.

The perfect table seating stationery for your wedding
Did you know? We design table plans, guest place cards and table name/number cards as well as other stationery, please do let Liz know if you would like to add these to your Wedition order. We can style them to perfectly match your personalised wedding magazine

Contact liz@wedition.co.uk if you would like to add table stationery to your Wedition order.